Horse Pull Toy

19th century horse pull toy on a wooden platform with metal wheels. 24" tall at head and approximately 17" at rump, including platform and wheels. Superb piece of early American folk art. Carved in various sections and assembled with metal braces. His white tail may be a later addition. At one time, he had a saddle and some reins. One prior owner, and possibly more, performed several repairs using a variety of nails, some of which we pulled because they presented a safety hazard with points protruding. Others, including several large ones with flat heads, had been used in clumsy attempts to resecure the feet to the platform. Unfortunately, a couple of the hooves split and suffered losses in the course of those attempts. We restored them with wood putty and flat black paint, stabilizing them, while avoiding the possibility of causing further damage by attempting to pull the nails. The horse is now stable and secure and at least 95% as found and original. A new owner can attempt to remove or cut off the nails if desired. We think they add a bit of history. (CP-31).


(additional photos below)
Horse Pull Toy
Horse Pull Toy
Horse Pull Toy

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