One of the many display cases in our shop

We are Debby and Terry Smith of Lakeview, N.Y. and have collected antiques since the 1970's. In 1981, we decided to open a shop in the Adirondacks, where we have long had a camp. The name of the shop was selected because it is located almost exactly on the Adirondack Park Blue Line which circumscribes the Adirondack State Park. We remodeled a small home located near the camp and Terry made display cabinets throughout the building, which now house a variety of small antiques, including folk art carvings, toys, decoys, and early pottery. We also carry some furniture, early oil paintings and other items typically found in the Adirondack Mountains. We take pleasure in offering antiques that are unusual and unique.

We began doing some local shows in the 1980's and now do just 3 or 4 shows a year (See listing of shows). We long had a basic website which we administered ourselves, and have now decided to upgrade our website with the able guidance of a very talented professional website designer. We sincerely hope you like what you see here, and the way in which it is displayed. Any constructive comments or suggestions would be most welcome.

The Moose River Road, the road our shop is on, is a rural one with relatively low traffic volume and the area is known for harsh winters with lots of snow. Consequently, we are only open from mid-April through late October, by appointment or chance. However, during the season, we can open anytime we are at our camp if one calls or emails us in advance.


Debby and Terry Smith

The reason we close in the wintertime

Outside the Shop in Snow

© 2021  Blue Line Antiques.   All rights reserved